Digital Transformation: HR in the 4.0 era

Digital Transformation in the management of human resources

In the current economic scenario of great transformations, those who are able to act quickly, innovate and adapt to changes survive.

Digital Transformation is increasingly impacting not only the business but also the organization and business processes, such us HR. The goal is to quickly rethink cultural practices and models by enabling, through technology, new opportunities for conversation and collaboration between the various teams. The implications of these practices translate not only into economic benefits but also into improvements in terms of responsibility, leadership and individual autonomy.

Roboze is the promoter of this approach to digital HR and has fine-tuned practices developed in cloud, using data management tools, CRM, machine learning and social networks.

HR and Digital Transformation: what are the challenges?

The starting point is always the person and his relationship with the organization, but the real challenge is to recognize and implement a new purpose of the modern HR function: to enable people to connect, converse, exchange and produce knowledge, in order to generate internal and external value.

In this way, the Human Resources function reformulates the concept of "working in a physical place over time" which is now outdated. Rather, resources are given the opportunity to determine their own working environment through remote working: the innovative impact is on the very idea of organization which becomes a collaborative platform capable of releasing energy.

Digital recruiting and digital skills: how to evaluate candidates online

One of the most advanced practices in the context of HR digital transformation is that of digital recruiting. The premise on which an online selection is based is very simple: we are all on the web.

The web includes first of all social networks, especially Linkedin, that allows for a personalized presence in which a precise identity emerges and constant relationships are built. Language, strategies and actions are three areas on which we must focus when we recruit staff within social networks, both when we have to identify candidates and in the evaluation phase of the identified profile. In this regard, for candidates, especially on LinkedIn, the choice of correct keywords and the creation of a complete social profile are fundamental elements to increase visits by digital recruiters.

Moreover, another central process in HR digitalization concerns that of evaluating digital skills, that is the confidence of candidates and employees with the main technological devices that are now essential. Roboze is a company projected into the future and these hard skills are essential to be able to then develop innovation.

Digital recruiting helps companies to reach talents all over the world

Regardless of type, a key point is that relationships involve a double interest: it is not only the candidate who has to explain why he wants to join our team, but it is also the company that has to tell who we are, what we do, what we believe in and why it can be interesting to be part of this team.

Today we can recognize that we are at an advanced stage of the job search. With Digital Recruiting, we have entered a completely digital mode for what concerns the selection of personnel: this allows us to have no limits, to reach talents all over the world, get to know them and share our way of thinking and producing innovation.

The real player of digital innovation in Roboze: people

It is time to exploit new skills to circumvent the difficulties of recent years through effective remote working programs that promote continuous communication and exchange of feedback even in a virtual environment. And again, to increase the motivation of employees, it is necessary to offer them new opportunities for growth and training, through the use of digital technologies that stimulate the active participation of people.

In Roboze, we want to continue to feed this path, constantly committing ourselves to invest in people and their training with the awareness that on the one hand Digital Transformation provides valuable tools to HR, on the other hand that human resources are the real players of change and innovation, called to accept the challenge of evolving their way of acting, thinking and working.

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