For 5 years ROBOZE by your side, today as never before!

17 March 2020

Roboze, a story of passion, courage and research

Today Roboze is 5 years old. We've thought of different ways to celebrate this event with all of you. We wanted fireworks, colours, music, but we just can't do it.

In these 5 years, we worked hard every single day to offer solutions that could be as close as possible to our customers' needs, solutions that could really be useful to optimizw the production processes within the manufacturing sector.
We've used all our passion and desire to innovate, to do business. We've faced big challenges, even when we had no chance of winning from outside eyes. However, for 5 years Roboze has been revolutionizing the way of 3D printing with FFF technology and high performance and composite materials.

But today we have a common challenge.

For all of us, 2020 is an even more important year, as we are ALL facing a common enemy to protect our health and economy.

We stay home but we don't give up!

Today more than ever we need to be strong and work hard to defeat this invisible monster.

We are and we will always be close to those companies that in this time will need support to overcome these obstacles and to find new and suitable solutions to optimize their work processes.

We continue to print strong like metal, and we will do it even stronger as we don't give up and we will never do it!

Thanks to those who have chosen us and who will continue to do so.

Happy birthday Roboze.

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