Building the scientific laboratory of your dreams: unlimited ideas and experimentation with Roboze printers

Scientific and research labs, from mechanics to robotics to chemistry, often need to create customized tools for the realization of experimental set-ups and laboratory equipment.

A lab’s efficiency revolves around workflow; what should be a free flowing transition from idea to realization is often slowed down due to the lack of personalized tools, third party implementation, add-on costs for part uniqueness and excessive wait time.

3D printing technology is designed to support innovation and discovery, and takes you from design to realization as quickly as possible. Designing and assembling supports, sample holders, adapters, clamps, valves and even mechanical components, such as gears or gripping systems, takes a few hours between design and construction.

3D printing gives researchers and engineers the power to design and improve specific laboratory equipment to address specific needs. The freedom to modify component design on demand allows for better experimental design and faster workflow.

The wide range of thermoplastic materials offered by Roboze FFF technology allows scientists and engineers to build prototypes that range from conceptual to functional, thanks to the high mechanical properties of composite materials such as Carbon PA and the unsurpassed chemical and thermal resistance of super-polymers like PEEK.

Please do find in the gallery below the information about parts costs.

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