Why is 3D printing the right solution for companies that will have to guarantee the ‘Right to Repair’ for electronic products?

Roboze 3D printing and the right to repair: a solution to help manufacturers of electronic products

According to the United Nations "Global E-waste Monitor 2020" report, consumers in the European Union produce an average of 16.2 kg of electronic waste over a year, contributing to 80% of environmental pollution.

Planned obsolescence, or the voluntary reduction in the usability of a product and its life cycle, is one of the main causes of this waste. In fact, electronic device manufacturers often suggest replacing the product with a new device rather than repairing it, thus motivating the choice with extremely high repair costs or the impossibility of finding spare parts necessary for the restoration.

To counter this phenomenon, the European Union approved the Regulation 2021/341 with reference to a series of electrical appliances and essential components.

The Right to Repair provides that manufacturers guarantee the availability of essential components for repairs for at least 7-10 years and that they make available to their customers specialized technicians capable of restoring the initial operating conditions of the devices, ensuring delivery within 15 working days from the order.

Roboze 3D Parts is a service that provides manufacturers with a solution to produce On Demand and Just in time spare parts and essential components using high performance super polymers.

The network is composed of certified manufacturers covering the entire world who, using ARGO 500 - a 3D printer of the Production series created to meet the needs of industrial manufacturing - ensure speed, high quality standards, and significantly reduced waiting times and transport costs in order to fully satisfy the requirements of the sector.

The 3D Parts service represents an alternative production method to reduce waste and CO2 emissions, limiting transport and shipments to the minimum necessary, in support of environmental sustainability, while at the same time having maximum design freedom, manufacturing individual customized components whenever needed and on time to meet the deadlines indicated.

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